The Best in Beauty

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The Best in Beauty

Beauty is all about taking care of yourself and highlighting your strengths. Get tips on the best in beauty with help from an accomplished hair stylist and makeup artist with experience in all media of fashion, film and print in this course.

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Este curso possui certificado digital de conclusão gratuito.

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Ao concluir este curso, você receberá um certificado digital.

Aumente as suas chances de ser contratado qualificando suas habilidades com certificados.

Por que escolher o Learncafe?

Aqui no Learncafe você tem acesso ao seu curso a hora que quiser. Os cursos ficam disponíveis 24 horas por dia, todos os dias da semana.

Além de ser uma plataforma fácil de usar, em qualquer aparelho com acesso à Internet, você ainda recebe um Certificado Digital ao concluir o seu curso.

Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - Hairstyle Tricks & Outfit Ideas : The Best in Beauty
Aula #2 - A Banana & Rosewater Mask as a Home Remedy for the Eyes : The Best in Beauty
Aula #3 - Pear Face Shape Hairstyles : The Best in Beauty
Aula #4 - Tips on Plucking Facial Hair : The Best in Beauty
Aula #5 - How to Comb Extra-Curly Hair After Being in the Wind : The Best in Beauty
Aula #6 - Peeling Pimples From Benzoyl : The Best in Beauty
Aula #7 - How to Get a Flawless Face Without Flaking : The Best in Beauty
Aula #8 - How to Clear Pores in Little Kids : The Best in Beauty
Aula #9 - How to Have a Healthy Hair Wrap : The Best in Beauty
Aula #10 - Combing Hair With a Widow's Peak : The Best in Beauty
Aula #11 - How to Help a Post-Chemical Peel Breakout : The Best in Beauty
Aula #12 - Wash & No-Dry Messy Style Haircuts : The Best in Beauty
Aula #13 - The Top Leave-In Moisturizers for Dry Hair : The Best in Beauty
Aula #14 - How to Close Braids With Wet & Wavy Hairstyles : The Best in Beauty
Aula #15 - Removing Milia With a Zit Popper & Lancet : The Best in Beauty
Aula #16 - Private video
Aula #17 - Hair Stylist Tools & Equipment : The Best in Beauty
Aula #18 - Private video
Aula #19 - Gothic or Emo Unusual Haircuts & Styles : The Best in Beauty
Aula #20 - Straight Hair Treatment at Salons : The Best in Beauty
Aula #21 - Private video
Aula #22 - How to Color Your Hair With Normal Chalk : The Best in Beauty
Aula #23 - Private video
Aula #24 - How to Use American Crew Forming Cream for Curly Hair : The Best in Beauty
Aula #25 - Private video
Aula #26 - How to Cover Up Dark Marks on Legs Without Makeup : The Best in Beauty
Aula #27 - How to Do Indie Scene Hair if You Have a Round Face : The Best in Beauty
Aula #28 - Private video
Aula #29 - How to Do Kinky Twists for Kids : The Best in Beauty
Aula #30 - How to Do Kinky Twists for Kids : The Best in Beauty
Aula #31 - How to Do Loose Wand Curls : The Best in Beauty
Aula #32 - How to Do Loose Wand Curls : The Best in Beauty
Aula #33 - How to Keep Towels Warm for Facial Massages : The Best in Beauty
Aula #34 - How to Keep Towels Warm for Facial Massages : The Best in Beauty
Aula #35 - Private video
Aula #36 - Natural Oils That Open Up Facial Pores : The Best in Beauty
Aula #37 - Private video
Aula #38 - Alternatives to Permanently Straightening Curly Hair : The Best in Beauty
Aula #39 - Private video
Aula #40 - How to Get Rid of Waves at the Top of Your Head in Curly Hair : The Best in Beauty
Aula #41 - Private video
Aula #42 - Private video
Aula #43 - Private video
Aula #44 - Private video
Aula #45 - Private video
Aula #46 - Private video
Aula #47 - Private video
Aula #48 - Private video
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Learncafe in English

Learning is never too much. We create this profile so you can access various free courses. From the available material, you can acquire new knowledge on topics such as: education, health, among other areas. All works and materials have the rights reserved to their respective authors.

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Avaliação geral do curso:

Módulos & aulas

Module 1: The Best in Beauty

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Escolha um plano:

Plano Gratuito Grátis
  • 30 dias de acesso grátis*
  • Sem prazo de carência**
  • Certificate of completion***
  • Acesso imediato
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* O prazo de acesso ao conteúdo do curso é válido durante a vigência da mensalidade ou compra avulsa.
** O prazo de carência refere-se ao tempo total de espera para que um usuário possa iniciar um outro curso na plataforma.
*** O certificado de conclusão do curso é oferecido separadamente para compra avulsa em dois formatos: digital para download e impresso via Correios.

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O conhecimento que você buscava para melhorar a sua
carreira está a poucos cliques de distância!

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