Secondary History

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Secondary History

Mexus Education has a range of educational entertaining resources that aim to make learning an experience. The Secondary History course includes a variety of animations that aim to present information about past events in an interesting manner.

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - Chinese Civilisation- Part 3
Aula #2 - Chinese Civilisation- Part 2
Aula #3 - Chinese Civilisation- Part 4
Aula #4 - Christ and Christianity
Aula #5 - Chronicles from China
Aula #6 - Paper in China
Aula #7 - Changes Historians Deal With
Aula #8 - Finding out about Cities
Aula #9 - Chinese Civilisation- Part 1
Aula #10 - Farming and Herding
Aula #11 - Aztec Civilisation
Aula #12 - The Paintings
Aula #13 - The Story of the Common People and Army: By Poets and Pilgrims
Aula #14 - Stone Age
Aula #15 - Traditional Food of Bengal
Aula #16 - Sumerian Civilisation
Aula #17 - Mathura- The Multifunctional City
Aula #18 - Introduction to Mesopotamian Civilisation
Aula #19 - Rulers and their Initiative to Build Temples and Tanks
Aula #20 - Network of Business in Small Towns
Aula #21 - Characteristics of Construction between 7th and 12th Centuries
Aula #22 - Administrative System of Gondwana
Aula #23 - Traders
Aula #24 - The Importance of Dates
Aula #25 - Identification of Towns through their Crafts
Aula #26 - Construction of Temples and Different Structures
Aula #27 - Administrative and Political Moves of the Kings
Aula #28 - Crafts and Crafts Persons
Aula #29 - Beliefs of Saint Poets of Maharashtra
Aula #30 - The Bhakti Cult
Aula #31 - The Assyrian Civilisation
Aula #32 - Ice Age
Aula #33 - Egyptian Civilisation- Lifestyle
Aula #34 - The Battles of Ancient Greece
Aula #35 - New Social, Political Groups and Religion
Aula #36 - Ancient Greece
Aula #37 - Modern Administration
Aula #38 - Religious Movement of Kerala
Aula #39 - The Kings
Aula #40 - Functioning of Temple Towns and Administrative Centres
Aula #41 - Religious Culture around Jagannatha, Puri
Aula #42 - Neo Buddhism and the Buddhist Pilgrims
Aula #43 - Learning about the Past
Aula #44 - Supreme God and Different Beliefs
Aula #45 - Egyptian Civilisation- Architecture, Religion, Government and Contributions
Aula #46 - The Books - Iken Edu
Aula #47 - The Buildings
Aula #48 - Cave Temples- Kailashnath and Udaigiri
Aula #49 - Influence of Traders on Indian Trade
Aula #50 - Megaliths and Burial Grounds
Aula #51 - A Changing Environment
Aula #52 - The Raja and his Subjects
Aula #53 - Buddhist Schools of Art - Part 2
Aula #54 - Idea of Oneness and Devotion to One God
Aula #55 - Leading a Settled Life with Social Customs and Practices
Aula #56 - Castes or Jatis within Varnas
Aula #57 - Egyptian Civilisation- Middle and New Kingdom
Aula #58 - Introduction to Egyptian Civilisation
Aula #59 - Arikamedu and the Roman Connection
Aula #60 - Introduction and Knowledge about Early Settlements
Aula #61 - The Upanishads
Aula #62 - Fraction of States in the 18th Century
Aula #63 - Organization of Sikhs
Aula #64 - Buddhist Schools of Art - Part 1
Aula #65 - Egyptian Civilisation- Old Kingdom
Aula #66 - Early Agriculture and the Village People
Aula #67 - Literature and Art of the Cheras
Aula #68 - The Mughals and Miniature Paintings
Aula #69 - Harappa
Aula #70 - Study of Time Periods by Historians
Aula #71 - Autonomy of Rajputs over Watan Jagirs
Aula #72 - Architectural Influence of the Mughal Period
Aula #73 - Servicemen of Mughal Rule
Aula #74 - Influence of Rajputs and Their Contributions
Aula #75 - Buddha- The Awakened
Aula #76 - Harappan Towns in Gujarat
Aula #77 - The Sangha, Monasteries and Ashrams
Aula #78 - Preachings of Guru Nanak
Aula #79 - Magadha and Vajji
Aula #80 - The Land of the Mummies
Aula #81 - A Special Burial in Inamgaon
Aula #82 - An Empire
Aula #83 - Ideas of Sant Kabir
Aula #84 - Life of the Early People
Aula #85 - Hampi, Surat and Masulipatnam
Aula #86 - System of Succession of the Mughals
Aula #87 - Government in Athens
Aula #88 - New Dynasties in the 7th Century
Aula #89 - Delhi and its Historical Importance
Aula #90 - Tribal and Caste based Society
Aula #91 - The Great Wall of China
Aula #92 - Mehrgarh, Daojali Hading and Catal Huyuk
Aula #93 - Independence of Jats
Aula #94 - Contribution of Nayanars and Alvars towards Bhakti Movement
Aula #95 - A Tale of the Early Cities
Aula #96 - The Golden Age of Ancient Greece
Aula #97 - Different Regions and Changes in Medieval India
Aula #98 - Indian Sub-continent and New Bhakti Movement
Aula #99 - Wonders of Mughal Architecture
Aula #100 - Influence of Ramanuja and Shankara on Bhakti Movement
Aula #101 - The Babylonian Civilisation
Aula #102 - The Legacy of Ashoka
Aula #103 - Origin and Present Status of Kathak
Aula #104 - Life in the Harappan Cities
Aula #105 - Harshavardhana and the Dynasties of South India
Aula #106 - Establishment of Control over India by the Mughals
Aula #107 - The Rigveda
Aula #108 - Samudragupta's Prashasti
Aula #109 - Khalji and Tughluq Dynasty
Aula #110 - Janapadas and Mahajanapadas
Aula #111 - Decline of Mughal Empire
Aula #112 - Zoroastrianism
Aula #113 - Learn History: Reign of the Delhi Sultanate
Aula #114 - Military and Economic Policies of the Marathas
Aula #115 - Learn History Rise and Fall of Mughal Empire
Aula #116 - History of India - Delhi Sultans and Their Historical Importance
Aula #117 - Pirs And Temples In Bengal - Iken Edu
Aula #118 - Life & Livelihood Of The Nomads - Iken Edu
Aula #119 - Europeans And Their Power On Indian Trade - Iken Edu
Aula #120 - Conquests And Destruction By Rulers - Destruction Of Temples - Iken Edu
Aula #121 - Administration Under Akbar's Reign - Policies Of Akbar - Iken Edu
Aula #122 - Origin Of The Mughals - Iken Edu
Aula #123 - The Cholas and their Administrative Measures - Iken Edu
Aula #124 - Features of Chaityas and Viharas - Iken Edu
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Módulos & aulas

Module 1: Secondary History

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Escolha um plano:

Plano Gratuito Grátis
  • 30 dias de acesso grátis*
  • Prazo de carência de 120 days**
  • Certificate of completion***
  • Acesso imediato
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* O prazo de acesso ao conteúdo do curso é válido durante a vigência da mensalidade ou compra avulsa.
** O prazo de carência refere-se ao tempo total de espera para que um usuário possa iniciar um outro curso na plataforma.
*** O certificado de conclusão do curso é oferecido separadamente para compra avulsa em dois formatos: digital para download e impresso via Correios.

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