Secondary Geography

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Secondary Geography

Mexus Education has a range of educational entertaining resources that aim to make learning an experience. The Secondary Geography sourse includes a variety of 2D and 3D animations that aim to explain concepts and facts related to Geography.

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - Machu Picchu, Peru
Aula #2 - People of Africa
Aula #3 - Grand Canyon
Aula #4 - Victoria Falls
Aula #5 - Aurora Borealis
Aula #6 - North America- Industry, Trade and People
Aula #7 - People of Australia
Aula #8 - Petra, Jordan - Ancient City
Aula #9 - Antarctica:International Co-operation, Claims and Expeditions
Aula #10 - Great Wall of China
Aula #11 - Harbour of Rio de Janeriro
Aula #12 - Antarctica - Discovery, Exploration and Boundaries
Aula #13 - The Great Barrier Reef
Aula #14 - Private video
Aula #15 - Europe: Physical Features
Aula #16 - Oceans
Aula #17 - Russia- History, Location and Physical Features
Aula #18 - Industries and Trade in Asia
Aula #19 - Chichen Itza, Mexico
Aula #20 - Vegetation and Wildlife of Africa
Aula #21 - Natural Resources and Industries of Australia
Aula #22 - Europe: Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife
Aula #23 - Condensation
Aula #24 - Our Universe
Aula #25 - Mount Everest - English Ver. | IkenEdu
Aula #26 - Air and Wind
Aula #27 - Europe: Natural Resources
Aula #28 - Hydrosphere - Introduction
Aula #29 - Democratic Republic of Congo
Aula #30 - Russia- Climate, Vegetation, Wildlife, Resources, Industry, Transport, Trade and People
Aula #31 - Countries of Africa
Aula #32 - Precipitation
Aula #33 - North America- Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife - Part 2
Aula #34 - Natural Resources of Asia
Aula #35 - Paricutin Volcano
Aula #36 - New Zealand - Physical Features, Climate, Wildlife, Vegetation, Natural Resources and People
Aula #37 - The Roman Colosseum, Italy
Aula #38 - Agents of Gradation - Rivers
Aula #39 - Ocean Currents
Aula #40 - North America- Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife - Part 1
Aula #41 - North America- Natural Resources
Aula #42 - Rainfall
Aula #43 - Egypt- The Gift of the Nile: Part 2
Aula #44 - Hydrosphere - Ocean features
Aula #45 - Air Pollution
Aula #46 - Inside the Earth
Aula #47 - The Taj Mahal, India
Aula #48 - The Great Pyramid of Giza
Aula #49 - Climate of Africa
Aula #50 - Variable Winds and Jet Stream
Aula #51 - Agents of Gradation - Wind
Aula #52 - Atmospheric Pressure, Effects of Atmospheric Pressure and Isobars
Aula #53 - Hydrologic Cycle Explained | Learn Evaporation, Condensation and Humidity
Aula #54 - Egypt - The Gift of the Nile: Part 1
Aula #55 - Antarctica - Climate, Vegetation, Wildlife and Natural Resources
Aula #56 - Latitudes and Longitudes
Aula #57 - The Sun
Aula #58 - Agents of Gradation - Waves
Aula #59 - Tides and Waves
Aula #60 - Europe: Political Divisions and Location
Aula #61 - Volcanoes
Aula #62 - Introduction, Location and Boundaries - Africa
Aula #63 - Important Ocean Currents
Aula #64 - Mass Wasting
Aula #65 - Planetary Winds and Periodic Winds
Aula #66 - Weathering
Aula #67 - Natural Resources of Africa
Aula #68 - Earthquakes
Aula #69 - North America- Physical Features
Aula #70 - Learn about the Rock Cycle
Aula #71 - Climate, Vegetation and Wildlife of Asia
Aula #72 - Asia: Political Divisions, Location and Physical Features
Aula #73 - Soil Pollution
Aula #74 - Major Pressure Belts of the Earth and Wind
Aula #75 - Effect of Earth's Tilt on Weather
Aula #76 - Noise Pollution
Aula #77 - Agents of Gradation - Glaciers
Aula #78 - Learn about Tides, Ocean Currents and Waves
Aula #79 - Weird Science: Learn about Solar and Lunar Eclipses
Aula #80 - Weird Science | Learn about Tides
Aula #81 - Learn about the Land Forms of Earth
Aula #82 - Iken Scientifica - 2013 - Promo Video | Iken Edu
Aula #83 - Planet Earth Globe Animation - Latitudes,longitudes, Continents And Oceans
Aula #84 - People of Asia - Iken Edu
Aula #85 - Climate And Wildlife Of Australia - Iken Edu
Aula #86 - Australia - Location | Boundaries | Physical Divisions - Iken Edu
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Avaliação geral do curso:

Módulos & aulas

Module 1: Secondary Geography

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Escolha um plano:

Plano Gratuito Grátis
  • 30 dias de acesso grátis*
  • Prazo de carência de 120 days**
  • Certificate of completion***
  • Acesso imediato
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* O prazo de acesso ao conteúdo do curso é válido durante a vigência da mensalidade ou compra avulsa.
** O prazo de carência refere-se ao tempo total de espera para que um usuário possa iniciar um outro curso na plataforma.
*** O certificado de conclusão do curso é oferecido separadamente para compra avulsa em dois formatos: digital para download e impresso via Correios.

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