Secondary Economics

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Secondary Economics

Mexus Education has a range of educational entertaining resources that aim to make learning an experience. The Economics course includes a variety of animations that aim to explain economic development and the Indian economy.

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - Demand , Supply and Trade
Aula #2 - Drawbacks of P.D.S. and Remedial Measures
Aula #3 - Employment and Related Terms
Aula #4 - Sources of Income - Income from Professionals
Aula #5 - Economics and Its Contribution in Development
Aula #6 - Budget and its Relevance
Aula #7 - Other Measures to Control Inflation
Aula #8 - Low Level of Living - Indian Perspective
Aula #9 - Sources of Income -Trade and Services
Aula #10 - Concept of Budgeting | Learn About Family Budget
Aula #11 - Objects of Consumer Protection Act, its Extent and Exceptions
Aula #12 - Goods as a Means for Satisfaction of Wants
Aula #13 - Types of Budget
Aula #14 - Sources of Income
Aula #15 - Income- An Overview
Aula #16 - Economic Development - An Overview
Aula #17 - Inflation and Its Effects on Production
Aula #18 - Consumer Protection- A Brief
Aula #19 - Features of Baluta System
Aula #20 - Definitions of Economics
Aula #21 - Public Distribution System, its Objectives and Achievements
Aula #22 - Inflation Explained
Aula #23 - Measures to Control Inflation
Aula #24 - Rights and Duties of the Consumers
Aula #25 - Lodging a Complaint under Consumer Protection Act
Aula #26 - Trends of Inflation in India
Aula #27 - Disparity in Wealth Distribution - A Concern for Indian Economy
Aula #28 - Global Organisations - The GATT (General Agreement on Tariff and Trade)
Aula #29 - Inflation, its Effects on Distribution and Non-Economic Effects
Aula #30 - Baluta System
Aula #31 - Resources and their Scarcity
Aula #32 - Inflation and its Causes
Aula #33 - Foreign Trade - An Introduction
Aula #34 - Economic Growth and Development - A Comparison
Aula #35 - Indian Economy and Characteristics of the Same
Aula #36 - Importance of Study of Economics
Aula #37 - Wants and their Classification
Aula #38 - Consumer Protection Act and its Definitions
Aula #39 - Learn about WTO (World Trade Organisation)
Aula #40 - Understand Motivation | Learn Theory And Ways To Motivate | Iken Edu
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Avaliação geral do curso:

Módulos & aulas

Module 1: Secondary Economics

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Escolha um plano:

Plano Gratuito Grátis
  • 30 dias de acesso grátis*
  • Sem prazo de carência**
  • Certificate of completion***
  • Acesso imediato
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* O prazo de acesso ao conteúdo do curso é válido durante a vigência da mensalidade ou compra avulsa.
** O prazo de carência refere-se ao tempo total de espera para que um usuário possa iniciar um outro curso na plataforma.
*** O certificado de conclusão do curso é oferecido separadamente para compra avulsa em dois formatos: digital para download e impresso via Correios.

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