MySQL Complete Course

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MySQL Complete Course

This course is an introductory course to MySQL Database Programming. This is an awesome series that explains concepts in real life and shows examples on the computer. After this series you will have all of the skills that you need to start programming your own databases.

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Ao concluir este curso, você receberá um certificado digital.

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Além de ser uma plataforma fácil de usar, em qualquer aparelho com acesso à Internet, você ainda recebe um Certificado Digital ao concluir o seu curso.

Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - MySQL Tutorial 1 - What is MySQL
Aula #2 - MySQL Tutorial 2 - How Data is Organized and Normalization
Aula #3 - MySQL Tutorial 3 - Relationships
Aula #4 - MySQL Tutorial 4 - Keys
Aula #5 - MySQL Tutorial 5 - String Data Types
Aula #6 - MySQL Tutorial 6 - Numeric Data Types
Aula #7 - MySQL Tutorial 7 - Date and Time Data Types
Aula #8 - MySQL Tutorial 8 - Column Features and Extra Settings
Aula #9 - MySQL Tutorial 9 - Indexes
Aula #10 - MySQL Tutorial 10 - Quotes and Escaping Special Characters
Aula #11 - MySQL Tutorial 11 - How to Build a Database (MySQL in English)
Aula #12 - MySQL Tutorial 12 - Altering Data and More Advanced Queries (MySQL in English)
Aula #13 - MySQL Tutorial 13 - Joins (MySQL in English)
Aula #14 - MySQL Tutorial 14 - How to Install XAMPP and start Using phpMyAdmin
Aula #15 - MySQL Tutorial 15 - How to Define Your Database Structure
Aula #16 - MySQL Tutorial 16 - Programming Our Database
Aula #17 - MySQL Tutorial 17 - Comments, Semi Colons, Deleting or Dropping Tables
Aula #18 - MySQL Tutorial 18 - How to add Columns and Drop (Delete) Columns in MySQL
Aula #19 - MySQL Tutorial 19 - How to Insert and Update Data in a Table Using SQL
Aula #20 - MySQL Tutorial 20 - How to use the Insert and Select Commands
Aula #21 - MySQL Tutorial 21 - How to use the Show Command
Aula #22 - MySQL Tutorial 22 - How to do Alter Commands
Aula #23 - MySQL Tutorial 23 - How to be Consistent with MySQL
Aula #24 - MySQL Tutorial 24 - How to use a Where Clause and Select Statements
Aula #25 - MySQL Tutorial 25 - How to use an Order by Clause
Aula #26 - MySQL Tutorial 26 - How to use a Limit Clause
Aula #27 - MySQL Tutorial 27 - How to Update Columns
Aula #28 - MySQL Tutorial 28 - How to Delete Data
Aula #29 - MySQL Tutorial 29 - Introduction to Character Sets and Collations
Aula #30 - MySQL Tutorial 30 - How to Set Character Sets and Collations
Aula #31 - MySQL Tutorial 31 - How to Search your Database using Like and Wildcards
Aula #32 - MySQL Tutorial 32 - Introduction to MySQL Storage Engines
Aula #33 - MySQL Tutorial 33 - How to Set and Alter Your Storage Engines
Aula #34 - MySQL Tutorial 34 - Comparison Operators
Aula #35 - MySQL Tutorial 35 - Foreign Key Constraints for the InnoDB Storage Engine
Aula #36 - MySQL Tutorial 36 - Introduction to Joins
Aula #37 - MySQL Tutorial 37 - Inner Joins
Aula #38 - MySQL Tutorial 38 - Left Joins
Aula #39 - MySQL Tutorial 39 - How to do an Inner Join and Useful Tips
Aula #40 - MySQL Tutorial 40 - How to do Left Joins (Outer Joins) and Unions
Aula #41 - MySQL Tutorial 41 - What is a Function? Introduction to Functions
Aula #42 - MySQL Tutorial 42 - Aliases
Aula #43 - MySQL Tutorial 43 - How to use Aliases with your Joins and Functions
Aula #44 - MySQL Tutorial 44 - String Functions PART 1!
Aula #45 - MySQL Tutorial 45 - String Functions PART 2!
Aula #46 - MySQL Tutorial 46 - How to Use Math Operators
Aula #47 - MySQL Tutorial 47 - Numeric Functions PART 1!
Aula #48 - MySQL Tutorial 48 - Numeric Functions PART 2!
Aula #49 - MySQL Tutorial 49 - Date and Time Functions
Aula #50 - MySQL Tutorial 50 - Formatting the Date
Aula #51 - MySQL Tutorial 51 - What is Encryption?
Aula #52 - MySQL Tutorial 52 - How to Encrypt Databases with 1-Way Encryption
Aula #53 - MySQL Tutorial 53 - How to Encrypt Data with 2-Way Encryption
Aula #54 - MySQL Tutorial 54 - Normalizing a Bank System
Aula #55 - MySQL Tutorial 55 - Data Types of a Bank System
Aula #56 - MySQL Tutorial 56 - Indexes and Foreign Key Constraints for our Bank System
Aula #57 - MySQL Tutorial 57 - Programming Our Bank System with phpMyAdmin
Aula #58 - MySQL Tutorial 58 - Aggregate Grouping Functions and How They Work!
Aula #59 - MySQL Tutorial 59 - Keyword Distinct
Aula #60 - MySQL Tutorial 60 - Group By
Aula #61 - MySQL Tutorial 61 - How to use Aggregate Functions
Aula #62 - MySQL Tutorial 62 - Comparison Functions
Aula #63 - MySQL Tutorial 63 - If Function
Aula #64 - MySQL Tutorial 64 - Case Operator
Aula #65 - MySQL Tutorial 65 - Full Text Search Index
Aula #66 - MySQL Tutorial 66 - In Boolean Mode
Aula #67 - MySQL Tutorial 67 - How to Organize In Boolean Mode FINAL VIDEO!
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Módulos & aulas

Module 1: MySQL Complete Course

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Escolha um plano:

Plano Gratuito Grátis
  • 30 dias de acesso grátis*
  • Sem prazo de carência**
  • Certificate of completion***
  • Acesso imediato
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* O prazo de acesso ao conteúdo do curso é válido durante a vigência da mensalidade ou compra avulsa.
** O prazo de carência refere-se ao tempo total de espera para que um usuário possa iniciar um outro curso na plataforma.
*** O certificado de conclusão do curso é oferecido separadamente para compra avulsa em dois formatos: digital para download e impresso via Correios.

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