Learn Economics

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Learn Economics

What you know about the Economy? In this course you will learn by 105 videos wich one-minute video explanation of deflation. Now as a consumer, you might think it\'s a good thing that prices are going down but deflation can end up becoming a huge drag on the economy due to the vicious circle it frequently generates. Let\'s learn!

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - Deflation Explained in One Minute
Aula #2 - Inflation Explained in One Minute
Aula #3 - Hyperinflation Explained in One Minute
Aula #4 - Supply and Demand Explained in One Minute
Aula #5 - How Money Works Explained in One Minute
Aula #6 - Investing in Stocks (AKA Shares or Equities) Explained in One Minute
Aula #7 - The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Government Revenue Explained in One Minute
Aula #8 - Fractional Reserve Banking Explained in One Minute
Aula #9 - The Great Depression Explained in One Minute
Aula #10 - The Dot Com Bubble Explained in One Minute
Aula #11 - The Great Recession (2007 - 2008 Global Financial Crisis) Explained in One Minute
Aula #12 - Austrian Economics and Keynesianism (Keynesian Economics) Explained in One Minute
Aula #13 - The Unemployment Rate and the Labor Force Participation Rate Compared in One Minute
Aula #14 - Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Explained in One Minute
Aula #15 - Learn How to Calculate Your Net Worth in One Minute
Aula #16 - Monetary Easing (aka Quantitative Easing / QE, LTRO, APP and so on) Explained in One Minute
Aula #17 - Pyramid Schemes and Ponzi Schemes Explained in One Minute
Aula #18 - Derivatives Explained in One Minute
Aula #19 - The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Explained in One Minute
Aula #20 - Subsidies Explained in One Minute
Aula #21 - The Tragedy of the Commons Explained in One Minute
Aula #22 - The Gold Standard Explained in One Minute
Aula #23 - Globalization Explained in One Minute
Aula #24 - Shadow Banking (Hedge Funds, Money Market Funds, etc.) Explained in One Minute
Aula #25 - Financial Statements Explained in One Minute: Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement
Aula #26 - The Enron Scandal Explained in One Minute: Corporate Recklessness, Lies and Bankruptcy
Aula #27 - Bonds (Corporate Bonds, Municipal Bonds, Government Bonds, etc.) Explained in One Minute
Aula #28 - Economic Stimulus (Monetary Stimulus and Fiscal Stimulus) Explained in One Minute
Aula #29 - Asset Bubbles (The Tulip Mania and Others) Explained in One Minute
Aula #30 - Moral Hazard Explained in One Minute: AIG Bailout, General Motors Bailout, Bank Bailouts, etc.
Aula #31 - Investing in Real Estate Explained in One Minute
Aula #32 - Game Theory Explained in One Minute
Aula #33 - The Prisoner\'s Dilemma Explained in One Minute
Aula #34 - Financial Leverage (Trading on Equity) Explained in One Minute
Aula #35 - Negative Interest Rates (Negative Interest Rate Policy or NIRP Implications) Explained in One Minute
Aula #36 - Capitalism, Socialism and Communism Explained in One Minute
Aula #37 - Depreciating Assets Explained in One Minute
Aula #38 - Investing in Precious Metals (Mainly Gold and Silver) Explained in One Minute
Aula #39 - Counterparty Risk (Default Risk) Explained in One Minute
Aula #40 - Zero-Sum Games and Win-Win/Lose-Lose Situations Compared in One Minute
Aula #41 - The Minimum Wage Explained in One Minute
Aula #42 - Investing in Domains and Websites (Digital/Intangible Assets) Explained in One Minute
Aula #43 - Populism (in Economics and/or Politics) Explained in One Minute
Aula #44 - The Paradox of Thrift (Underconsumption and Oversaving) Explained in One Minute
Aula #45 - The Economics of Prepping (Preparing for an Economic Collapse, Social Unrest, etc.) in One Minute
Aula #46 - The Stock Market Crash of 1987 (Black Monday) Explained in One Minute
Aula #47 - Main Street and Wall Street Compared in One Minute
Aula #48 - Central Banks and Commercial Banks Compared in One Minute
Aula #49 - The Velocity of Money Explained in One Minute
Aula #50 - Investing in Art and Antiques Explained in One Minute
Aula #51 - Stagflation Explained in One Minute
Aula #52 - Compound Interest Explained in One Minute
Aula #53 - The Business Cycle (Economic Expansions and Contractions) Explained in One Minute
Aula #54 - The Foreign Exchange Market and Forex Trading Explained in One Minute
Aula #55 - Credit Scores and Credit Reports Explained in One Minute
Aula #56 - The Economics Behind Commercials and Ads Explained in One Minute
Aula #57 - Investing in Yourself Explained in One Minute
Aula #58 - The Bretton Woods Monetary System (1944 - 1971) Explained in One Minute
Aula #59 - Systemic Risk (Too Big to Fail) Explained in One Minute
Aula #60 - Currency Wars (Competitive Currency Devaluations) Explained in One Minute
Aula #61 - Minimalism and Frugality Compared in One Minute
Aula #62 - The World Trade Organization (WTO) Explained in One Minute
Aula #63 - Pump and Dump Schemes Explained in One Minute
Aula #64 - Tangible and Intangible Assets Compared in One Minute
Aula #65 - Bank Runs Explained in One Minute: How Banks Become Insolvent and Fail
Aula #66 - Deposit Guarantees (Deposit Insurance Systems Like the FDIC) Explained in One Minutes
Aula #67 - The Economics Behind Doing/Fixing Things Yourself (DIY) vs. Hiring a Professional in One Minute
Aula #68 - The Dutch Tulip Mani
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Module 1: Learn Economics in One Minute

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** O prazo de carência refere-se ao tempo total de espera para que um usuário possa iniciar um outro curso na plataforma.
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