Language, literature, and culture

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Language, literature, and culture

This course contains programs exploring the rich history of Jewish literature, culture, and language across Europe and the United States.

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - The Remarkable Life and Afterlife of Sholem Aleichem
Aula #2 - Creating Identity: Yiddish Across a Spectrum of Jewish Communities Today
Aula #3 - The Vilna Gaon and the Making of Modern Judaism
Aula #4 - [Part 1] Passing the Torch: Jewish Music Archives and the Future of Yiddish Song
Aula #5 - [Part 2] Passing the Torch: Jewish Music Archives and the Future of Yiddish Song
Aula #6 - YIVO and the Making of Modern Jewish Culture: Scholarship for the Yiddish Nation
Aula #7 - Rethinking Jabotinsky
Aula #8 - On the Road, Back in the Old Country: Memories and Maps of a Yiddish Dialectologist
Aula #9 - Dear Mendl, Dear Reyzl: Yiddish Letter Manuals from Russia and America
Aula #10 - Abraham Sutzkever: The Power in Poetry
Aula #11 - If Books Could Talk: The Story of Three Jewish Treasures Rescued from the Vilna Ghetto
Aula #12 - Remembering Benjamin Harshav
Aula #13 - Planning for the Jewish Future: Standards for Yiddish in the 20th and 21st Centuries
Aula #14 - Creating History: Can We Tell the Past?
Aula #15 - Farewell to Communism: Howard Fast and Soviet Yiddish Writers
Aula #16 - Celebration of the New Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary
Aula #17 - Yiddish in the City: SF to NYC
Aula #18 - Hope and Fear: Y. L. Peretz and the Forging of Modern Jewish Culture
Aula #19 - Libe and Linguistics: Towards an Archive of Yiddish Sexuality
Aula #20 - Taras Shevchenko: Ukrainian Nationalism, Poetry and the Jews
Aula #21 - Poets as Smugglers
Aula #22 - Professional Jokers: Jewish Jesters from the Golden Age of American Comedy
Aula #23 - The Life and Art of Krystiana Robb-Narbutt (1945-2006)
Aula #24 - Y. L. Peretz in a Time of Revolution
Aula #25 - A Tribute to Sholem Aleichem
Aula #26 - Translation in Pre-Zionist Jewish Literature
Aula #27 - “And now I have to read in Jewish something”: Yiddish Performances by Holocaust Survivors
Aula #28 - Thirteen Ways of Looking at Sholem Aleichem: Notes from a Yiddish Writer's Biographer
Aula #29 - Jews, You Should Fight to the Bitter End: Bogoraz's Literary Response to the Gomel' Pogrom
Aula #30 - Celebration of the New Comprehensive English-Yiddish Dictionary
Aula #31 - Norman Manea Celebration
Aula #32 - Reclaiming the Cultural and Musical Heritage of the Karliner Hasidim
Aula #33 - Jewface: "Yiddish" Dialect Songs of Tin Pan Alley (Exhibition Opening)
Aula #34 - Black Square: Malevich and the Origin of Suprematism
Aula #35 - Watch the Throne: Spectacle and Specters in the Stories of Reb Nakhmen and Der Nister
Aula #36 - Marc Chagall: Reflections of a Granddaughter
Aula #37 - Babel in Yiddish / Yiddish in Babel
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Avaliação geral do curso:

Módulos & aulas

Module 1: Language, literature, and culture

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Escolha um plano:

Plano Gratuito Grátis
  • 30 dias de acesso grátis*
  • Prazo de carência de 120 days**
  • Certificate of completion***
  • Acesso imediato
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* O prazo de acesso ao conteúdo do curso é válido durante a vigência da mensalidade ou compra avulsa.
** O prazo de carência refere-se ao tempo total de espera para que um usuário possa iniciar um outro curso na plataforma.
*** O certificado de conclusão do curso é oferecido separadamente para compra avulsa em dois formatos: digital para download e impresso via Correios.

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