How to Do Reflexology

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How to Do Reflexology

Don\'t call it a massage! Reflexology is pressure applied to the hands and feet in order to improve health elsewhere. Here\'s how it\'s done. So, what is reflexology. Reflexology is both an ancient art and science as well as a modern day practice. How it works, there are reflexes in your feet and your hands, your ears and your face that correspond to every part of your body. So by applying pressure to these points, we are sending the message through the body for the corresponding organ, or gland or part of the body to relax. You can think of it almost like a map, there’s a map of the body in your feet or in your hands or your ears. So, we are stimulating pressure specifically on points and specifically on all points. Reflexology is really great for stress reduction, it’s really great for getting everything kind of circulating again. We’re assisting in helping in the nutrients and oxygen go to all the cells in the body. Also, you know, the body is very intelligent and it knows how to heal itself, but it needs to be in a place of balance to do so. Reflexology helps in that process, kind of brings it back to that place of homeostasis so that it can heal.

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - What Is Reflexology? | Reflexology
Aula #2 - 6 Tools You Need to Do Reflexology | Reflexology
Aula #3 - Positioning Yourself to Do Reflexology | Reflexology
Aula #4 - Warm Up Feet with Traction Technique | Reflexology
Aula #5 - How to Warm Up Feet with a Lung Press | Reflexology
Aula #6 - How to Begin a Foot Reflexology Session | Reflexology
Aula #7 - 5 Basic Foot Reflexology Techniques | Reflexology
Aula #8 - How to Do Thumb Walking | Reflexology
Aula #9 - How to Strengthen Your Thumbs | Reflexology
Aula #10 - How to Do Finger Walking | Reflexology
Aula #11 - How to Do the Hook & Backup Technique | Reflexology
Aula #12 - How to Do the Rotation on the Point | Reflexology
Aula #13 - How to Do Milking the Toes Technique | Reflexology
Aula #14 - How to Lift & Stretch Toes | Reflexology
Aula #15 - How to Do Toe Rotations | Reflexology
Aula #16 - 3 Toe Relaxation Techniques | Reflexology
Aula #17 - Relaxation Techniques for Ball of Foot | Reflexology
Aula #18 - 2 Reflexology Techniques for the Toes | Reflexology
Aula #19 - How to Work the Foot Arch | Reflexology
Aula #20 - How to Work the Ball of the Foot | Reflexology
Aula #21 - How to Work the Heel of the Foot | Reflexology
Aula #22 - How to Work the Heel & Arch | Reflexology
Aula #23 - How to Work the Ball & Flat of Foot | Reflexology
Aula #24 - How to Work the Flat of the Foot | Reflexology
Aula #25 - How to Work the Top of the Foot | Reflexology
Aula #26 - How to Work the Ankles | Reflexology
Aula #27 - How to Work the Inside of the Foot | Reflexology
Aula #28 - How to Work the Outside of the Foot | Reflexology
Aula #29 - How to Relieve Menstrual Cramps & PMS | Reflexology
Aula #30 - How to Relieve Hip & Knee Pain | Reflexology
Aula #31 - How to Relieve Sciatica | Reflexology
Aula #32 - How to Relieve Headaches & Migraines | Reflexology
Aula #33 - How to Help Relieve Hip & Knee Pain | Reflexology
Aula #34 - How to Relieve Sinus Congestion | Reflexology
Aula #35 - How to Relieve Asthma | Reflexology
Aula #36 - How to Relieve Constipation | Reflexology
Aula #37 - How to Help Relieve Constipation | Reflexology
Aula #38 - How to Relieve Neck Pain | Reflexology
Aula #39 - How to Relieve Back Pain | Reflexology
Aula #40 - How to Relieve Shoulder Pain | Reflexology
Aula #41 - How to Relieve Digestive Issues | Reflexology
Aula #42 - How to Relieve Stress | Reflexology
Aula #43 - How to Relieve TMJ & Jaw Pain | Reflexology
Aula #44 - Is Reflexology Safe for Pregnant Women? | Reflexology
Aula #45 - 10 Techniques for Infertility | Reflexology
Aula #46 - 6 Techniques for Cancer Patients | Reflexology
Aula #47 - 5 Techniques for Babies & Children | Reflexology
Aula #48 - How to Finish a Foot Reflexology Session | Reflexology
Aula #49 - How to Do Hand Reflexology on Yourself | Reflexology
Aula #50 - How to Do Reflexology at Home or Office | Reflexology
Aula #51 - 9 Foot Reflexology Do\'s & Don\'ts | Reflexology
Aula #52 - How to Find a Reflexologist | Reflexology
Aula #53 - Reflexology with Chantel C. Lucier | Reflexology
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Aakiaaku1234 Artur M. Martha g. Jamie

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Module 1: How to Do Reflexology

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