Dutch Listening Practice

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Dutch Listening Practice

Ready to completely understand Dutch? Even Advanced conversations? This Dutch Listening Comprehension Series tests you on your listening and makes sure you understand every word. Listen to the dialog, watch the video, and answer the questions asked. You are going to learn until advanced dutch.

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - Learn Dutch - Dutch Listening - At a Dutch Bookstore
Aula #2 - Learn Dutch - Dutch Listening - At a Restaurant in the Netherlands
Aula #3 - Learn Dutch - Dutch Listening - Reading a Dutch Journal
Aula #4 - Learn Dutch - Dutch Listening - Calling the Dutch Doctor's Office
Aula #5 - Learn Dutch - Dutch Listening - Looking at a Photograph from the Netherlands
Aula #6 - Learn Dutch - Dutch Listening - At the Jewelry Store in the Netherlands
Aula #7 - Learn Dutch - Dutch Listening - Rearranging the Office in the Netherlands
Aula #8 - Learn Dutch - Dutch Listening - Getting Some Groceries in the Netherlands
Aula #9 - Learn Dutch - Dutch Listening - Listening to a Dutch Forecast
Aula #10 - Learn Dutch - Dutch Listening - Discussing a New Design in Dutch
Aula #11 - Learn Dutch - Dutch Listening - Reserving a Room in Dutch
Aula #12 - Dutch Listening - At the Hairdresser in the Netherlands
Aula #13 - Dutch Listening - Reading Dutch Job Postings
Aula #14 - Dutch Listening - Shopping for an Outfit in the Netherlands
Aula #15 - Dutch Listening - A Dutch Business Presentation
Aula #16 - Dutch Listening - Getting a Gym Membership in the Netherlands
Aula #17 - Dutch Listening - At a Printing Company in the Netherlands
Aula #18 - Dutch Listening - Reserving Tickets to a Play in Dutch
Aula #19 - Dutch Listening - Preparing For a Dutch Business Meeting
Aula #20 - Dutch Listening - Seeing a Movie in Netherlands
Aula #21 - Dutch Listening - Shopping for a Shirt in the Netherlands
Aula #22 - Dutch Listening - Ordering a Burger in Dutch
Aula #23 - Dutch Listening - Baking a Cake in Netherlands
Aula #24 - Dutch Listening - Making Plans for the Day in Dutch
Aula #25 - Dutch Listening - Getting Dutch Directions
Aula #26 - Dutch Listening - Choosing a Drink in The Netherlands
Aula #27 - Dutch Listening - Shopping for a Computer in The Netherlands
Aula #28 - Dutch Listening - Talking About Your Schedule in Dutch
Aula #29 - Dutch Listening - Ordering a Pizza in Dutch
Aula #30 - Dutch Listening - Discussing a Document in Dutch
Aula #31 - Dutch Listening - Reporting a Lost Item in Dutch
Aula #32 - Dutch Listening - Looking for an Apartment in The Netherlands
Aula #33 - Dutch Listening - Choosing a Cake in The Netherlands
Aula #34 - Dutch Listening - Deciding When to Move in The Netherlands
Aula #35 - Dutch Listening - Deciding on a Hotel in The Netherlands
Aula #36 - Dutch Listening - Setting up a Meeting Room in The Netherlands
Aula #37 - Dutch Listening - Ordering Office Supplies in Dutch
Aula #38 - Dutch Listening - Getting to the Airport in The Netherlands
Aula #39 - Dutch Listening - Getting Help from the Teacher in Netherlands
Aula #40 - Dutch Listening - Talking to a Supplier in Dutch
Aula #41 - Dutch Listening - Ordering Lunch at a Restaurant in Netherlands
Aula #42 - Dutch Listening - Choosing a Place to Wait in Netherlands
Aula #43 - Dutch Listening - Talking About Vacation Plans in Dutch
Aula #44 - Dutch Listening - Talking About Breakfast in Dutch
Aula #45 - Dutch Listening - Asking about a Restaurant's Opening Hours in Dutch
Aula #46 - Dutch Listening - Choosing a Delivery Time in The Netherlands
Aula #47 - Dutch Listening - Talking About Medicines in Dutch
Aula #48 - Dutch Listening - Talking About Your Family in Dutch
Aula #49 - Dutch Listening - Choosing a Pair of Glasses in The Netherlands
Aula #50 - Dutch Listening - Delivering a Sales Report in Dutch
Aula #51 - Dutch Listening - Talking About a Person in Dutch
Aula #52 - Dutch Listening - Where in Netherlands Did You Lose Your Wallet?
Aula #53 - Dutch Listening - Scheduling a Checkup in Dutch
Aula #54 - Dutch Listening - Going to the Library in The Netherlands
Aula #55 - Dutch Listening - Shopping at a Boutique in Netherlands
Aula #56 - Dutch Listening - Talking About your Age in Dutch
Aula #57 - Dutch Listening - Talking About a Party in Dutch
Aula #58 - Dutch Listening - Rescheduling a Dentist Appointment in The Netherlands
Aula #59 - Dutch Listening - Finding A Friend's Apartment in The Netherlands
Aula #60 - Dutch Listening - Renting a DVD in The Netherlands
Aula #61 - Dutch Listening - Choosing a Seat on a Flight in The Netherlands
Aula #62 - Dutch Listening - Choosing a Seat on a Flight in The Netherlands
Aula #63 - Dutch Listening - Buying Shirts in a Sale in Netherlands
Aula #64 - Dutch Listening - Arranging Furniture in a Room
Aula #65 - Dutch Listening - Listening to a Dutch Weather Forecast
Aula #66 - Dutch Listening Practice - Which Bank Should You Choose in The Netherlands?
Aula #67 - Dutch Listening Practice - Discussing Product Packaging in Czech
Aula #68 - Dutch Listening Practice - Making a Complaint in Dutch
Aula #69 - Dutch Listening Practice - Planning a Sightseeing Trip in Dutch
Aula #70 - Dutch Listening Practice - Discussing a Sales Graph in Dutch
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Module 1: Dutch Listening Practice

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