Learn About Bitcoin on YouTube

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curso gratuito Learn About Bitcoin on YouTube

The best way to learn about bitcoin is to actually use it. Perhaps the second best way is to watch some introductory videos.
Please keep in mind the dates these videos were released and that Bitcoin is an evolving organism.

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - Introduction
Aula #2 - Disrupt Conference - What is Bitcoin?
Aula #3 - Bitcoin explained and made simple | Guardian Animations
Aula #4 - Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Crash Course with Andreas Antonopoulos - Jefferson Club Dinner Meetup
Aula #5 - The Bitcoin Blockchain Explained
Aula #6 - How Bitcoin Works Under the Hood
Aula #7 - Ever wonder how Bitcoin (and other cryptocurrencies) actually work?
Aula #8 - Bitcoin: Overview | Money, banking and central banks | Finance & Capital Markets | Khan Academy
Aula #9 - Don't Buy Bitcoin. It's Going To Crash!!!
Aula #10 - Bitcoin 101 | Balaji Srinivasan
Aula #11 - The real value of bitcoin and crypto currency technology - The Blockchain explained
Aula #12 - The Stories We Tell About Money
Aula #13 - what's a cryptocurrency?
Aula #14 - Bitcoin 101 - How to Make a Digital Currency (pt.1) - A Beginner's Guide to the Thoughts of Satoshi
Aula #15 - Proof of Beats - Tinkerer's Anthem (ft. Andreas Antonopoulos)
Aula #16 - Bitcoin 101 - Understanding Bitcoin (pt. 1 of 3) - A Beginner's Guide (With Help from Wikipedia)
Aula #17 - Introduction to Bitcoin
Aula #18 - The True Value of Bitcoin: What You Really Need To Know
Aula #19 - Understand the Blockchain in Two Minutes
Aula #20 - The Truth About Bitcoin
Aula #21 - Bitcoin Explained
Aula #22 - Blockchain 101 - A Visual Demo
Aula #23 - What the #?!* is Bitcoin? | Jeremy Rubin | TEDxBeaconStreet
Aula #24 - The Bitcoin Gospel - (vpro backlight documentary - 2015)
Aula #25 - Ulterior States [IamSatoshi Documentary]
Aula #26 - Why Bitcoin is Better Than Gold, with Wences Casares
Aula #27 - Alternative Currency Pt 1
Aula #28 - The future will be decentralized | Charles Hoskinson | TEDxBermuda
Aula #29 - Internet vs Bitcoin
Aula #30 - Bitcoin: The New Gold Standard
Aula #31 - Tech Visionary George Gilder: "Bitcoin is the Libertarian Solution to the Money Enigma."
Aula #32 - Milton Friedman predicts the rise of Bitcoin in 1999!
Aula #33 - Zeitgeist Addendum (HD) Part I - Federal Reserve
Aula #34 - Owning Bitcoins (in 2 minutes)
Aula #35 - Bitcoin: Your Guide To Understanding Digital Currency [Documentary]
Aula #36 - Join The Bitcoin Revolution
Aula #37 - The Bitcoin Phenomenon
Aula #38 - In the Beginning | Trust Disrupted: Bitcoin and the Blockchain S1:E1
Aula #39 - Civil Forfeiture: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)
Aula #40 - Ethereum Q&A: Governance trade-offs in decentralised systems
Aula #41 - India rupee ban: Rural communities hit hard - BBC News
Aula #42 - Money vs Currency - Hidden Secrets Of Money Ep 1 - Mike Maloney
Aula #43 - Bitcoin For The Intelligent Layperson. Part One: Context.
Aula #44 - The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind - Hidden Secrets of Money 4
Aula #45 - Bitcoin in Uganda - Empowering People
Aula #46 - Erik Voorhees - The Role of Bitcoin as Money - Bitcoin 2013 Conference
Aula #47 - Here is bitcoin - Part 1
Aula #48 - Blockchain Demystified
Aula #49 - Lecture 1 — Intro to Crypto and Cryptocurrencies
Aula #50 - Andreas Antonopoulos - Master Slave relation
Aula #51 - Introduction to Bitcoin & Blockchains
Aula #52 - Ethereum Vs. Bitcoin: What Sets Them Apart? | CNBC
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Module 1: Learn About Bitcoin on YouTube

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