Mathematics - Basic Algebraic Geometry : Varieties, Morphisms, Local Rings, Function Fields and Nonsingularity

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Mathematics - Basic Algebraic Geometry : Varieties, Morphisms, Local Rings, Function Fields and Nonsingularity

Algebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics, classically studying zeros of multivariate polynomials. Modern algebraic geometry is based on the use of abstract algebraic techniques, mainly from commutative algebra, for solving geometrical problems about these sets of zeros.

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Conteúdo programático:

Aula #1 - Mod-01 Lec-01 What is Algebraic Geometry?
Aula #2 - Mod-01 Lec-02 The Zariski Topology and Affine Space
Aula #3 - Mod-01 Lec-03 Going back and forth between subsets and ideals
Aula #4 - Mod-02 Lec-04 Irreducibility in the Zariski Topology
Aula #5 - Mod-02 Lec-05 Irreducible Closed Subsets Correspond to Ideals Whose Radicals are Prime
Aula #6 - Mod-03 Lec-06 Understanding the Zariski Topology on the Affine Line
Aula #7 - Mod-03 Lec-07 The Noetherian Decomposition of Affine Algebraic Subsets Into Affine Varieties
Aula #8 - Mod-04 Lec-08 Topological Dimension, Krull Dimension and Heights of Prime Ideals
Aula #9 - Mod-04 Lec-09 The Ring of Polynomial Functions on an Affine Variety
Aula #10 - Mod-04 Lec-10 Geometric Hypersurfaces are Precisely Algebraic Hypersurfaces
Aula #11 - Mod-05 Lec-11 Why Should We Study Affine Coordinate Rings of Functions on Affine Varieties ?
Aula #12 - Mod-05 Lec-12 Capturing an Affine Variety Topologically
Aula #13 - Mod-06 Lec-13 Analyzing Open Sets and Basic Open Sets for the Zariski Topology
Aula #14 - Mod-06 Lec-14 The Ring of Functions on a Basic Open Set in the Zariski Topology
Aula #15 - Mod-07 Lec-15 Quasi-Compactness in the Zariski Topology
Aula #16 - Mod-07 Lec-16 What is a Global Regular Function on a Quasi-Affine Variety?
Aula #17 - Mod-08 Lec-17 Characterizing Affine Varieties
Aula #18 - Mod-08 Lec-18 Translating Morphisms into Affines as k-Algebra maps
Aula #19 - Mod-08 Lec-19 Morphisms into an Affine Correspond to k-Algebra Homomorphisms
Aula #20 - Mod-08 Lec-20 The Coordinate Ring of an Affine Variety
Aula #21 - Mod-08 Lec-21 Automorphisms of Affine Spaces and of Polynomial Rings - The Jacobian Conjecture
Aula #22 - Mod-09 Lec-22 The Various Avatars of Projective n-space
Aula #23 - Mod-09 Lec-23 Gluing (n+1) copies of Affine n-Space to Produce Projective n-space in Topology
Aula #24 - Mod-10 Lec-24 Translating Projective Geometry into Graded Rings and Homogeneous Ideals
Aula #25 - Mod-10 Lec-25 Expanding the Category of Varieties
Aula #26 - Mod-10 Lec-26 Translating Homogeneous Localisation into Geometry and Back
Aula #27 - Mod-10 Lec-27 Adding a Variable is Undone by Homogenous Localization
Aula #28 - Mod-11 Lec-28 Doing Calculus Without Limits in Geometry
Aula #29 - Mod-11 Lec-29 The Birth of Local Rings in Geometry and in Algebra
Aula #30 - Mod-11 Lec-30 The Formula for the Local Ring at a Point of a Projective Variety
Aula #31 - Mod-12 Lec 31 The Field of Rational Functions or Function Field of a Variety
Aula #32 - Mod-12 Lec 32 Fields of Rational Functions or Function Fields of Affine and Projective Varieties
Aula #33 - Mod-13 Lec 33 Global Regular Functions on Projective Varieties are Simply the Constants
Aula #34 - Mod-13 Lec 34 The d-Uple Embedding and the Non-Intrinsic Nature of the Homogeneous Coordinate Ring
Aula #35 - Mod-14 Lec 35 The Importance of Local Rings - A Morphism is an Isomorphism
Aula #36 - Mod-14 Lec 36 The Importance of Local Rings
Aula #37 - Mod-14 Lec 37 Geometric Meaning of Isomorphism of Local Rings
Aula #38 - Mod-14 Lec 38 Local Ring Isomorphism, Equals Function Field Isomorphism, Equals Birationality
Aula #39 - Mod-15 Lec 39 Why Local Rings Provide Calculus Without Limits for Algebraic Geometry Pun Intended!
Aula #40 - Mod-15 Lec 40 How Local Rings Detect Smoothness or Nonsingularity in Algebraic Geometry
Aula #41 - Mod-15 Lec 41 Any Variety is a Smooth Manifold with or without Non-Smooth Boundary
Aula #42 - Mod-15 Lec 42 Any Variety is a Smooth Hypersurface On an Open Dense Subset
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Module 1: Mathematics - Basic Algebraic Geometry : Varieties, Morphisms, Local Rings, Function Fields and Nonsingularity

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